Nitin Connected Voice Haref have an exciting opportunity for a proactive, enthusiastic and experienced person to help deliver our work to support services and health improvement to Black Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities in Newcastle. The role will involve:
Delivering a comprehensive, cross sector training programme Signposting and supporting organisations Sharing good practice and information Highlighting local issues relating to health within BAME communities.
The successful candidate will work closely with Newcastle City Council’s Senior Health Improvement Practitioner for Ethnic Minorities, the voluntary and community sector and other public sector organisations.
The post is for 30 hours a week Salary £25,547 per annum (pro rata) on a temporary contract until 31 July 2021.
For full details on the job and how to apply, see here.
Closing date for receipt of application forms is 12.00 noon on 9 September 2020.
If anyone wants to find out more about the role, please do get in touch with me.
Vicki Harris Haref Coordinator 0191 232 7445