Welcome to the Engage and Excel Programme
Engage and Excel is a partnership programme between PNE Group (Project Lead) and the Women Empowering Women Network (WEWN).
Who is Women Empowering Women Network ?
WEWN is a community interest company that focuses on empowering migrant women to activate their engagement in local economies to achieve social and effective economic integration.
Who is Project Northeast?
PNE have 40 years’ experience delivering innovative, impactful projects that generate business and job creation across the North East, helping over 10,000 businesses start-up in the region and supporting over 80,000 people with their professional development.
Programme Outline
An enterprise and employability skills building programme, Engage and Excel will support two cohorts of 28 individuals from Newcastle and South Tyneside to grow their understanding of the UK self-employment landscape, improve their enterprise skills, help them integrate with the business community and to access professional development opportunities.
Participants will receive:
Two days enterprise and skills building workshops
A dedicated mentor to support their progress throughout the programme and help them identify and support progression opportunities
Access to a one-to-one business adviser
Travel costs, enabling inclusive participation
A £50 budget to access additional learning
Expanded Provision Descriptions
Enterprise and skills building workshops
Workshops will cover a range of topics related to entrepreneurship and enterprise skills, with the aim of growing participants understanding of UK business requirements and culture and transferable skills, supporting both progress into self-employment and increasing employability. Topics will include, but are not limited to, how to start a business in the UK, sales and marketing, business planning, pitching, North East networking landscape and sustainable business practices. A peer-learning approach will build confidence and create a support network.
Mentors will provide confidential, one-to-one mentoring sessions. Mentors will explore the needs, skills and ambitions of each individual, help them and overcome barriers and support them to identify and access relevant progression opportunities. All mentors are BME migrants who have established themselves in the UK, uniquely positioning them to understand participant challenges.
Specialist business adviser ship
Participants can access business support from a range of experts, including business advisors and marketing, IT and finance professionals.
Additional learning budget
The additional learning budget offers participants the opportunity to access further learning in an area they have identified as valuable through the project.
Who can take part?
Focusing on supporting BME migrant and refugee women from Newcastle and South Tyneside, our programme Engage and Excel aims to eliminate barriers to self-employment and professional progression, which include:
Low knowledge of UK business culture
Discrimination and lack of confidence
Financial hardship and difficulty accessing credit
Skills gaps and low knowledge of labour market trends
If you are unemployed / economically inactive , willing to learn about how to become self employed , start a business and reside within Newcastle and Gateshead then this programme is for you. Contact us for further info through the below emails and mobile numbers.
Mob : 07936592975